The housing market is beginning to recover, which means many jugglers are looking to buy new homes. Here are some helpful tips:
-It is every juggler’s dream to have a home with really high ceilings. However, you can save money by just finding a home with really low floors.
-Consider living in a community open to fellow carnies and vagrants. You’ll fit right in.
-Get your realtor to knock the price down a few thousand by showing her three up pirouette back crosses.
-Living in a good school district is nice but a good local juggling club is much more important.
-Location is key. Make sure you are unicycling distance from the grocery store.
-An apple tree in your backyard means you’ll never run out of juggling props.
-Solid marble floors might cost a lot, but they are ideal for bounce juggling. Don’t skimp on that.
-Oregon is beautiful but remember that it can take six days to receive packages from Dubé Juggling. Linden, New Jersey is somewhat less desirable but you will receive your juggling equipment in one business day #priorities